First started Practicing Breathwork:


What sparked your interest in breathwork and set you on your journey?

My father died in the sea when we was on vacation 11 years ago . I was 16 and I was feeling guilty because they took me out and he stayed there . I was feeling awfull. 9 years I was in depression , bad behavior and drugs . When I meet one guy who showed to me the breathing and explaned to me the ice water therapy everithing changed.

How has breathwork positively impacted your life?

I start having desire to live , because I waked up every morning with bad thouths but I pushed myself to do the breathing and everything was colourfull again. I start seeing even more clearly and was very chill and even happy. The cold plunge was the crazyest and funny thing to do. I went in the most freezing days to swim and laught like crazy . I do it from 2 years already.

What advice would you give to someone curious about starting their own breathwork journey?

My advise is to push your self and breath deep even when you dont want to do it . JUST DO IT

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